Opening Message by Dr. Robert Kittel

August 17, 2023
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Good morning. When we did the pledge service, did you recognize the voice? Now we have the embodiment of that voice with us here as well. Thank you Doc. Yang and Rev. Song, thank you for being here. President Hori, President Hori. Koji san, thank you. I’d like to show one image if I could, based on the victory of the ILC Cambodia, Francis. He’s going to bring it up. This was in The Washington Times today. In Washington, DC. And it was laid out by Francis, who was in the back and didn’t sleep, and it was called Buddhist Democracy Cambodian style celebrating the transition and probably the next Prime Minister you can see in the first photograph and then the royal family with the religious leaders in the second photograph. So thank you. Honorable act not for this foundation. They paid $16,000 for this advertisement in a double page fold in The Washington Times. We’re so grateful for that. I think this is probably one of the major newspapers in the Western world that actually celebrated this democracy. The others are criticizing this democracy. So we’re very grateful for that. There’s one other thing I would like to share with you as we begin this program, something very special to me and it was this book launching that was that took place very quietly yesterday morning and from Pakistan. The director of Pakistan brought this book. He he translated it and published it and brought it from Pakistan. And of course this is True Mothers. You know, memoir and it was given to President Gilani of Pakistan, he was given to him, but this is very special to me because the first mission country that father sent me to in 1975 was Pakistan. So this is kind of the fulfillment of that ideal. In reference to our meeting today, I’d like to have the next slide if I may. My last slide. The beginning of Christianity started with two things happening and mother is asking us to do 2 things spirit and truth .And Saint Paul had been blinded on his way to Damascus. And then Annaeus came to heal him. Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here, has sent me so that you may see again so many times, Christians think the real miracle is his sight. That was not the miracle, because many people have been healed before, so that’s not. The healing and filled with the Holy Spirit that was the key. And then it says once he, Paul began preaching in the synagogues that Jesus is the son of God, so this was the spirit and the truth that launched Christianity. Saint Paul wrote 13 books that are called that are within the new testament. So this is Mother is asking us to kind of go back to this original route as we are here today collectively with the Cheongshim Won and also the new truth that is we are able to teach through Mother’s guidance and direction. So please let us dedicate ourselves completely to this time together and to take away with us the spirit and the truth. As we go back to our respective nations, thank you very much.