Hyojeong Youth Special Assembly-Philippines

August 17, 2023
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Yeah, we’ll be sharing today about the Philippines as the nation of Christianity. Actually, the Philippines is chosen and blessed by our Heavenly Parent and True Parents as the second daughter nation, but still actually we are still very far from True Parents expectation. Yeah, so but today I’m really moved and really inspired for the presentations, especially President Song for really bringing to us a really great hope from our beloved True Mother and also with the guidance of our regional president. I’m really, really grateful in the Philippines that we can truly move forward. To really support our beloved True Mother.So the Philippines is a really dominantly Christian nation, so from 2020 this data. So the Philippines is composed of actually 86% Christians. Most of the population are Roman Catholic and all other denomination, other Christian denominations, and also other religious affiliation. And also we have Islam 6%. So basically our nation, the Filipino people, most of them actually really believe in God. And everywhere you go, actually, it’s easy to share about uh, these things in in the in the country.So our membership awhile ago President Hori reported already I will just focus with our current membership now in the Philippines. As of this time, we have the regular member of 819, and an associate members 771, registered Members 1212, and also inactive of  728. So we have a total of general Members 3530 and inactive of 728. So total over 4000 members from the Philippines as of this time.

So we have in the Philippines 16 regional churches. But even though regional churches is still like, some are still like in the period of pioneering. And then also we have additional 13 local churches and centers. So we have about 29 churches in the Philippines and out of those we have two big church as what mentioned by President Hori and also four potential big churches. We have 11 like medium church below 112 small and pioneering church centers.

So these are the big churches in the Philippines. We have two the Metro Manila centering on our national headquarters. We have a total membership of 311 in our Metro Manila and we have registered 150 Associates, 66 regular members, 92 in active three and then we have total worship. Attendance of 153. So this is located in this area of the Philippines. And then the other big churches, the Antipolo Church Region 4A. So we have 229 total church membership. 52 registered, 62 Associate, 112 regular, three and active and 141 worship attendance. So this center can accommodate around 200 people in Antipolo City. So this is in region 4 area.

And then these are the four potential big church in the Philippines. We have the Cauayan City Church in Region 2. This is also our own. This is a donate donation by our member. This was built, I think, around 2010 when we are emphasizing this kind of church that time. So recently we just had the CheonBo event in this area. So this area we have 206 membership, 77 registered, 54 associate, 24 regular, 51 in active and 40 worship attendants. So we have to really develop and really make it really big church by making the inactive active and really increasing the worship attendance of our church. So this is located in the northern part of the Philippines.

Also next is the Cabanatuan Church in Region 3, which has over 258, but this area they have a lot of inactive members. These are. They came from each TM before, so really a lot of work we need to do in this area to activate our inactive members and increase our worship attendance. So this is in the Central Luzon area of the Philippines.

And then another one is a region 5 Legaspi church over 200, around 214 church membership, but also this one many inactive members 131 and then only 20 worship attendance. So this is on the southern Luzon area of the Philippines.

And then finally, the Cavite Church region for a this is just newly built center actually this time this area we have many elder best families there over around 215. Which shape but also 63 are inactive and then just 50 worship attendance in this area. So we are really reviving our blessed families and members and truly make really live lively church that can really give impact to our community. So this is located in the also region 4 area.

So these are the initial strategies, so present to reset. This is just our initial strategies that we are doing, but with the initiative of our regional president, the Hyo Jeong Action 4040. So this is truly a great starting in order for us to be able to revive our church and movement in the Philippines, so through this Hyo Jeong Action 4040, we started in June 18, 2023, forty weeks plus 40 days, so also present holy emphasize really as what through mothers emphasizing now about the revival of the spirituality. And also new truth. So through this Hyo Jeong Action 4040, all Members now are focusing on the revival and then also. Exclusive will witnessing will come after this revival of our Members.

 So the first thing first strategy is really the spiritual revival through Cheongshim Won Vigil Prayer  and also the chongo event. So today we have learned and really True Mother, this time is really emphasizing this time the chunk Shimon Vigil prayer and also in the Philippines, our Chengdu event. And then witnessing and education, and then eventually our church will going to grow.

And then True Mother really emphasize witnessing, witnessing and witnessing. So True Mother emphasized that really Cheongshim Won is very important. It is at the root of unwavering faith. So Mother is asking us to really go back to the early days of our church and then also mother really emphasize that the time has come. This is now the time is right. We have to go with the spirit and truth. Even Mother mentioned here that not no longer sufficient. Just to give Divine Principle lectures, the spirit world must be under our Dominion, so through mothers, really emphasizing to mobilize the spiritual world. So we really need the spirit and truth. So in the Philippines this time we started, I think 3 months ago our Cheonshim Won vigil prayer and then we are joining in Korea at this time today we are already 57 of Cheonshim Won vigil prayer. So just very few people in our headquarters and then now continuously we’re encouraging our Members to participate.

And then now we are very grateful. During the 800 Cheonshim Won vigil prayer in our headquarters are headed by our regional president. The time President Tori, first time that we could have this big number somehow 70 those families and member participated and then the time that is also our 40th, 40th Cheonshim Won vigil prayer  in our national headquarters. And then this time, many of our regional cheonshim areas and centers are already participating. We are connecting directly to Korea. So from Monday to Friday. So, so this time we have already 12 areas nationwide that are participating in this vigil prayer.

And then also I would like to share with you the CheonBo event that we are doing in the Philippines this photo. This was last March 25 and 26. I am really actually very, very grateful for this event. After you know, three years of pandemic, actually very difficult to gather our blessed families and members. So when we plan about this CheonBo event, actually we offered conditions, our leaders, those families and members, we offered condition to really fill up this place, and really, we can encourage all of those families CheonBo event and members and then events. We could gather 1356 blessed families and members 800 attended physically and then 500 plus attended online. This is first time after three years because of pandemic, so the power of the Cheonshim Won and then the power of CheonBo event really can revive our membership. So let’s really give a big round of applause to our Heavenly Parents and True Parents. Thank you very much. So this is actually really miracle. This is what Mother is talking about. This is really miracle when once we unite with our beloved True Mother, we are grateful to Dr. Incheon Kim with all his support and also encouragement. And of course, our regional President, always with us , trying his best, even he’s not physically, always online. He’s always giving his guidance. So we are really grateful to Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

And then another one after two months May 27. 28 in our national head. Yes. So around 500 those families and members again participated in our CheonBo event really deep and really inspiring testimonies that has even reported to Korea was given this time. So really our Members are really regaining their their power. And they’re really, uh, your energy so that they can really do the mission that Heavenly Parent and True Parents is asking us.

And then another one was this was just very recent July 15 and 16. First time we did in this region in region, our potential church in Isabella. So all our Members came, so 203 registered in this in this area physically. So we were able to really conduct this really successfully and because of this also we were able to do the Cheonshim Won prayer in this area Cheonshim prayer first time. This is because of the CheonBo event also that we did. And then we were able to gather 80 people because of this CheonBo event. Through Cheonshim Won and then members really have deep reflections after participating without CheonBo event, we cannot actually bring our members to participate in the Cheonshim Won prayer. So now they are already continuously doing chimon vigil in that region and then not only spiritual revival. The chunk Shimon and CheonBo work is bringing about even physical. Because of this event, our center in Isabella, they started to renovate after many years because of the CheonBo event. So they were. They were able to develop this and really prepare for this event. So they really, the Chong Chong, Shimon and CheonBo event really brings. Even physical development, so not only spiritual development, but even physical development. Our Members are really being inspired and really making new determination to support our beloved True Mother.

So this time we schedule ten CheonBo event in the Philippines. So we will be doing 10 times CheonBo events already. We concluded 3 this time our goal is to 3000 on site and then 3100 online. So through this event, Cheonshim Won and CheonBo event, we will be reviving the original spirit of our members. That is really rooted from our Heavenly Parents and True Parents. And then really we can bring about exclusive witnessing through this, our revival that we are doing now. So we are really grateful to our Heavenly Parents and True Parents. CSW prayer and Chombo works will bring about spiritual and physical development and substantial church growth. That’s why True Mother is continuously asking us to really do the Cheonshim Won prayers. We are very grateful.

So through this Hyo Jeong Action 4040 that our regional president initiated. So the 1st and priority as of this time is truly how to revive the spirituality of our membership and then also with the new truth. So President Hori really making simple lectures that our Members can easily understand. So through spirituality and new truth. So this is the priority in order for us to really become completely one with our beloved True Parents with our beloved True Mother and then after we become one with True Mother, actually witnessing will naturally come to our Members once everybody is really inspired and really being, you know, on fire with the Holy Spirit. Naturally, naturally members will go out and they will going to share this good news to anybody. So this is the first thing and then second one really practicing after we become one with our Heavenly Parent and True Parents and True Mother, naturally all Members those families will going to share, share to all people. So we will going to put this in practice, so centering on the individual witnessing, witnessing one and the group and national level witnessing, then we can bring about heavenly nation of the Philippines and we can really support and contribute to our beloved True Mother for the realization of the Korea peninsula and establishment of heavenly unified world.

So for the 1st 70 day condition now we started last June 18. So this time we are establishing firmly the Cheonshim Won and also CheonBo Providence and also identifying and determining organizing, witnessing cells, postural cells and group of elders. And then after this, we will be evaluating so soon we will also going to have regional leaders meeting and share more of our leaders and then we’re going to expand the witnessing and pastoral cells and develop strategies more and also empower our leaders. And then by August 2027, we’re going to also evaluate and start again another like 70 days of focus of reviving members and also witnessing activities.

So in the Philippines we have this witnessing cell. So we started to get data from different regions all over the country. So this time we have a total of 27 witnessing cells in our country and then we have 10 potentials, so some areas they just started to do witnessing some are still, you know, preparing so at least we could see the the potential. So starting from this we can work and really set goals and move forward in complete unity with our beloved True Mother. So our goal for these first 70 days until August is to really have at least 50 witnessing cells in our country. And also we are starting to develop postural, cell and also group of elders and then. For our to have for us to have six big churches, really active churches and then based on this foundation we can continue to inspire other churches and expand eventually and truly make the Philippines truly a nation that can really give our hope and really joy and happiness to our beloved True Mother.

So these are some of the witnessing activities that we have conducted through this condition. So in region one, as you can see, we are doing one-on-one witnessing also group witnessing. So also in region 2. Also, this is in Region 4 Antipolo Church. Even our second generations. They started to give lecture. Also our second generations this time. And then also this is in NCR Mandaluyong Center. So our Members, these are just just graduated from IPLC & YLT they did certain period of witnessing. So continuously our center is doing witnessing activities there and this is Hope Center the leader here is second generation. He started to do, witnessing now to young people in this area and then also region six, we lose church and also the college church and also region 7. This is really these are students of 1 professor, one of one of our elder member in the Philippines, Professor Lim. He invited all his students for one day seminar, so they all listen and really participated actively. They were very, very inspired.

And then also now we are really reviving big blessing events. So just recently 120 couples in region 5 and then 130 couples in region 1 where the mayor and the officials of the government really attended this event. So we are now reviving this foundation, really that we have in the Philippines and really harvest as what True Mother. Is really telling us now. This is now the harvest time, the Golden Age, with our beloved True Mother.

So our goal for the first day. For seventy day of our condition is to have at least new Member 400 and activate 194 of our Members in this four first 70 day condition until August to our regional leaders. They’re really trying. Their best all our best families and members slowly based on the guidance and really inspiration about beloved True Mother. So and then through Cheonshim Wong and CheonBo works. We will going to really bring about that spirit and truly bring substantial result.

For our membership, for the 1st 70 day condition is 400 new members and then 194. So in addition to our current membership. So based on this HJ Action 4040, we’re going to really bring about CIG Nation of the Philippines and really contribute to our beloved True Mother.

So I’m really inspired with the guidance of President Hori with this small world network. What is really the purpose of witnessing? actually for national restoration. So when we continue to do individual witnessing and then we can really, you know, find many people that can connect us then we. Can really create groups and then we can find really the the main John the Baptist actually in the Philippines. Now we have one former president now, so later on, Reverend Ronnie will be sharing about this one and then ultimately, after we can find the right person. And then we can really give impact to our nation and we can witness to the person that can give impact our nation. And then finally, we can realize Cheon Il Guk. So once again I offer my gratitude to our Heavenly Parent and True Parents, President Song and all our leaders. Thank you very much.