FFWPU International Headquarters Overview of Strategy

August 17, 2023
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FFWPU International Headquarters Overview of Strategy

Asia-Pacific Strategy Meeting,

Respected leaders of Heavenly Asia-Pacific! Good afternoon!

It is my pleasure to present a report on the strategies of the International Headquarters at this Heavenly Asia-Pacific leaders’ strategy meeting.

The Cheon Il Guk era that follows the dedication of Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum—which represent the culmination of God’s providence and of human history—is a completely new time when Heavenly Parent will firmly settle on earth.

The central place in the cosmos, where True Parents who are one with Heavenly Parent and act with God’s authority, is the Cheon Il Sanctum.

After 6,000 years of human history, Heavenly Parent, who is intangible, has emerged as the visible Heavenly Parent dwelling in True Parents and will enter the Cheon Il Sanctum and govern the earthly world for evermore.

The Cheon Il Sanctum will serve as the central administration of Cheon Il Guk. It will serve as the center of all fields of human endeavor, including religion, politics, economics, academia, media and the arts, and education. From here, Heavenly Parent will directly govern the earthly world. Consequently, True Mother is devoting herself heart and soul in preparation for the day of the Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum Entrance Ceremony. True Parents’ ardent wish is to victoriously conduct the Entrance Ceremony in 2025 together with heads of state from Heavenly Korea, Heavenly Japan, the Heavenly United States, and from nations around the world. Now is the time when we must bring that wish to fruition.

To this end, True Mother gave the heavenly mandate that we create an environment in which Heavenly Parent can freely work. By restructuring the organization, Mother proclaimed a new system and paradigm shift.

To ensure that the Cheon Won Gung Entrance Ceremony in 2025 is held on a solid foundation of the best results and a substantial foundation for Cheon Il Guk, True Mother has made the solemn commitment to Heavenly Parent, “As of now, I will not retreat even one step.”

I truly hope that everyone can resonate with True Mother’s heart, and that this will be an occasion for Heavenly Asia-Pacific leaders to strengthen their unrelenting resolve to victoriously achieve national restoration by 2025. I will now outline the strategies and direction of the International Headquarters.

Four points of Awareness We Must Have in This Era, Based on Recent Messages True Parents Have Given

With regard to the direction we must take in this new era, and the new structure unfolding with the start of this new system, I have studied many of the speeches True Mother has given since May 9. I have made quite an effort, reading her messages over and over again in order to understand the deep content of Mother’s heart. On that basis, I will explain the paradigm for the new era that Mother is promoting and outline four core points of awareness we need to have in this time looking ahead to 2025.

Era of substantial attendance

The first thing to be aware of is that now is the age of substantial attendance. True Mother said, “As this is the time in which Heavenly Parent, who is intangible and invisible, can work in substantial ways with True Parents on earth, you should be able to experience, feel, and act on your own initiative without True Parents teaching you at every stage.” Now is the time for us to experience, feel, and act on our own, as this era is under Heavenly Parent’s direct dominion. That’s why Mother also said, “Rather than with your own thinking, you must know how to lead for the sake of world peace through attending God.”

Following the dedication of Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum, True Mother explained that the Cheon Il Guk Era is when we live attending Heavenly Parent and True Parents in substantial ways. We must awaken to the core awareness in this time that we blessed families must firmly plant deeply in our hearts. And so, as we go forward, Heavenly Asia-Pacific, in cooperation with the International Headquarters, should become totally one with Cheon Shim Won and substantially attend Heavenly Parent and True Parents. This is the era in which we must listen to God’s voice as we live, practice, and carry out our activities.

Era of pursuing the original essence [or “fundamental nature”]

The second point to be aware of is that now is the time in which we pursue the original essence. In her message at the HJ Marina boarding ceremony on May 18, Mother said, “The original essence of the Creator is being our Heavenly Parent.” Therefore, from now on, we must accurately know the original essence of the Heavenly Parent, and make it clear that the mission and original essence of the True Parents is that they realize, through rebirth, one family of humankind. Also, Mother says we must know the original essence of True Mother who came as the first only begotten daughter, the original essence of Christianity, and the essence of Jesus. “Heavenly Parent waited 6,000 years for True Parents to come. True Parents came on the basis of the only begotten daughter. This is what you need to know.”

Mother made it clear that “the original essence of UPF is that it is an organization that leads people to the Blessing,” and asked us to create a UPF Sunday service culture. Speaking about witnessing and education, which she is placing great emphasis on, Mother asked us to, “Teach based on the Word in the Cheon Il Guk era rather than that of the Old, New or Completed Testament eras,” Mother brought us to understand that now is the time to pursue the original essence.

The era of loyal heart transcending hyojeong
(General Gyebaek: The bravery of 5,000 men who swore to lay down their lives was enough to overwhelm the large army of the allied forces. General Gyebaek of Baekje was regarded as a model and example of loyal heart.)

Third, we have come to know that this is the era of loyal heart that transcends even the heart of filial devotion [hyojeong]. Through the proclamation of Cheon Il Guk in 2013, the firm settlement of Cheon Il Guk in 2020, and the dedication of Cheon Won Gung and the Cheon Il Sanctum—which is the heart of Cheon Il Guk—in 2023, we have now entered the era of substantial national restoration. Therefore, we have entered the era of a new paradigm when we must set the example that demonstrates this loyal heart of Cheon Il Guk.

That is why True Mother said, “The responsibility of blessed families who live in attendance of Heavenly Parent on earth is that at least the national-level foundation should become the sphere of Heavenly Parent’s influence.” She also said, “The thirty million people of this country must become Heavenly Parent’s children,” and emphasized that “Blessed families that have received True Parents’ Blessing must become the citizens of Cheon Il Guk.”

Notably, to solidify the national foundation of Cheon Il Guk, Mother spoke about achieving the reunification of South and North Korea and said, “Only when the two Koreas become one with True Parents and attend Heaven can they be reunified as brothers, North and South.” Mother even explained how it must come about. How can it be called “Heavenly Parent’s homeland” when national restoration has not been achieved? Mother said, “I hope you will keep in mind that this is one of the most urgent issues that needs to be resolved while True Parents are on earth.”

The era of presenting the results of witnessing

The fourth point to be aware of is that this is the time to present our witnessing results to God. Mother designated “Witnessing” as the fundamental objective of the new system and reorganization of personnel. In her message on May 11, therefore, Mother strongly emphasized that “The restructured organization must set a goal for national restoration and all members of the Family Federation should witness to the 50 million people of South Korea.” On May 18, Mother also emphasized, “Put everything aside. And if you serve God and love your Parents, you must return to the heart we had in the early days and witness, witness.” Mother said strongly, “Each person should witness. We must witness. Witnessing! Witnessing while we are awake or asleep.”

Looking back, I am reminded of the days when we joined the church and the pastor gave us half a bean and embraced us with love. In starting a witnessing initiative, it is tremendously important how much the atmosphere of our church creates a church culture in which we can feel Mother’s embrace. True Mother also said, “I want to report your achievements to Heavenly Parent each and every day.”

The Key Elements of the Current Providence and the Objectives of the International Headquarters

Respected leaders of Heavenly Asia-Pacific!

Three elements are essential for providential victory. These are timing, direction and speed.

The right time is determined by Heavenly Parent and True Parents. And True Parents have given us four new points to be aware of in this era. We can only set a good direction when we have a proper understanding of this era.

In this case, International Headquarters is responsible for setting the appropriate direction for this age and time. The key to victory is for all regions and countries to move together in a unified direction so as to achieve our objectives in the shortest possible time.


To set the right direction, the International Headquarters has established two Key Elements for the Family Federation.

The first Key Element is the expansion of Cheonbo families that attend Heavenly Parent and True Parents plus the firm settlement of Cheonbo Family Churches.

This Key Element will be pursued by FFWPU as a high priority until the triumphant and blessed day of the Cheon Won Gung Entrance Ceremony in 2025. All blessed families will be encouraged to live in unity with Heavenly Parent and True Parents, under their direct governance, to become victorious Cheonbo families, guiding 430 couples—both the vertical and the horizontal—to God and to the Blessing, and firmly establishing Cheonbo family churches. In order to fulfill this Key Element, the International Headquarters will become completely one with Cheon Shim Won.

The second Key Element of the International Headquarters is to establish a heavenly witnessing system worldwide that disseminates the original essence of Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

I chose to use the Chinese character shin that means God, Heavenly Parent, which we translate as “heavenly,” rather than the character shin that means “new.” This is because the core of all witnessing activities, as of now, is to convey the original essence of Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Consequently, the International Headquarters must communicate closely with all organizations, including UPF, and share all capabilities.


Respected leaders of Heavenly Asia-Pacific!

We must remember that the two Key Elements—one, the firm establishment of Cheonbo family churches that attend Heavenly Parent and True Parents and, two, the establishment of a heavenly witnessing system worldwide to spread the original essence of Heavenly Parent and True Parents—are True Mother’s solemn heavenly mandate for our Unificationist movement and all humanity to realize, without fail, one great human family that attends Heavenly Parent, the ideal, original world as envisioned at the time of creation, in this golden age that True Mother is with us.


In more detail, the International Headquarters has outlined three objectives in alignment with these two Key Elements, based on True Mother’s words.

The first is substantial national restoration through substantial, active witnessing.

The second is the realization of a heavenly unified Korea through a step-by-step approach and clear division of organizational roles.

The third is the completion of Cheon Il Guk through transparency and efficient organization.

Respected leaders!

The span of the realm in which Heavenly Parent can freely move extends beyond Korea to include the whole world and even the entire universe.


For that reason, the International Headquarters’ first objective among the three is to achieve national restoration in all countries. As True Mother has stated, this can be achieved through active and substantial witnessing.

By this we mean national restoration through explosive witnessing growth and substantial church growth. True Mother places a lot of emphasis on witnessing. She said, “Witnessing and church expansion should be tested in three countries first, then spread throughout the region. In the future, all providential organizations, including groups affiliated with FFWPU, must unite and work towards the same objective, and that one objective is national restoration.” In her statement, True Mother is clearly emphasizing that our goal is national restoration through witnessing.


The second objective is the reunification of Heavenly Korea, the nation where True Parents were born. For this we must establish and implement steps for establishing and stabilizing peace on the Korean Peninsula, promoting inter-Korean exchanges and education, creating a national foundation of attendance of Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and finally realizing the peaceful reunification of the two Koreas.

Furthermore, providential organizations should effectively organize their roles in the North-South Korea reunification movement in accordance with their founding purpose, organizational structure, and characteristics.

Just as during the 1950s and 1960s when we lacked a well-established foundation in Korea, and True Parents looked to the future and invested much jeongseong [devotion] and effort for the world, the International Headquarters will mobilize the worldwide peace movement foundation to expand the North-South Korea Reunification Movement, increase awareness and understanding, and promote international cooperation. Our goal is to connect with leaders of nations and local communities who are aligned with this vision for Korea.


The third and final goal is the realization of Cheon Il Guk. Following the proclamation of Cheon Il Guk and its firm settlement, we have the fateful task of completing this task. While Cheon Il Guk is a nation that has never existed in the 6,000 years of human history, it is the visionary ideal our Heavenly Parent has dreamed of.


Thus, all leaders of Cheon Il Guk and its citizens must live transparent lives without shadows, particularly where money is concerned. We must also be equipped with effective organizational capability through collective intelligence.

International Headquarters Step-by-Step Policies – Seven Major Policies

Respected leaders!

International Headquarters has developed concrete, step-by-step policies to achieve the following three objectives: substantial national restoration, the realization of a heavenly unified Korea, and the completion of Cheon Il Guk.

The first stage is the formation stage, which lasts for eight months from May 9, 2023 to December. It has been designated as a period during which a heavenly organization and structure will be firmly established.

The next stage will be the growth phase, which is the next eight months until August 2024. This period has been designated the ‘period of leaps and bounds.’

Lastly, the eight months preceding April 13, 2025 will represent the stage of victory leading to the Cheon Won Gung Entrance Ceremony. This will be the time for harvesting the fruits of God’s providence.

On this occasion, I will present seven important policies we will implement during this formation stage of eight months, the time to firmly establish a heavenly organization and structure.

The first policy is to examine closely the current situation of the mission field through this international speaking tour and establish strategies in each region and nation.

Immediately following my appointment as international president, True Parents instructed me to visit the regions of the world and establish a standardized approach. It is also True Mother’s profound wish that appropriate strategies for the mission field be established through extensive communication and mutual understanding between those in the mission field and the International Headquarters. Working together with all of you in the mission countries, we will establish church growth strategies for each region and subregion.

Currently, the Family Federation has mission bases in 183 countries around the world, of which 34 are registered as religious corporations under the name FFWPU, 10 under other names, and 64 non-religious incorporations, for example as NGOs. Through the world speaking tour this time, the International Headquarters will analyze the status quo in some detail, and we will continue to pursue registration as a religious organization under the name of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.

The second policy will be to reestablish the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community culture of heart, and teach people about this.

In addition to conducting research on teachings appropriate for the era of the firm settlement of Cheon Il Guk as True Parents have newly instructed, the International Headquarters will develop educational presentations in order to establish the tradition of Cheon Il Guk, and conduct educational programs about the original essence of Heavenly Parent and True Parents, as well as the significance of Cheonbo families and establishing the identity of blessed families.

The third policy will pursue the movement to recreate (restore) the entire world through the Holy Spirit and the Truth.

True Mother emphasized the spiritual atmosphere of our church in the early days, filled with the Holy Spirit and the Truth. She directed that the Family Federation unite with Cheon Shim Won. Her emphasis is on the importance of our becoming a church overflowing with true love.

Accordingly, the International Headquarters centered on Cheon Shim Won in Korea, and each Regional Headquarters working in unity with the Cheon Shim Won branches established in each region, will raise leaders and blessed families so that all can hear God’s voice and act accordingly. International Headquarters will also actively invest in prayer and jeongseong centered on Cheon Shim Won as one axis of church growth.

Additionally, with the spiritual awakening of leaders and the healing of blessed families, we will actively seek to bring members around the world who have left the church back into the bosom of True Parents.

The fourth policy is to promote economic self-sufficiency, transparency, and clear roles for each organization in each region and nation.

Organizational transparency is a crucial factor in enhancing the capabilities of those under the organization. International Headquarters will create a culture and system to ensure transparency in organizational operations and apply it step by step in all regions and nations according to their characteristics. We will also ensure there is no inefficient overlap in our activities by apportioning roles in a manner that is most effective for national restoration. In addition, for efficient and effective investment in mission support, we will differentiate the roles of each providential institution and organization so that there is no duplication of activities.

The fifth policy is to implement globally standardized criteria and evaluation with regard to substantial growth and witnessing.

The factors that contribute to church growth match the characteristics of the individual regions. We need church growth strategies customized to local characteristics. The International Headquarters will actively acknowledge, learn from, and support the establishment of regional witnessing strategies that take into account variations in church size and differences in national characteristics in the regions and nations. Additionally, a ‘global standardization of evaluation criterion’ will be promoted to ensure fairness in recognizing the performance of each nation and church around the world according to our shared and universal interest in witnessing and church growth.

The sixth policy is to assist and facilitate the realization of a heavenly unified Korea through the solidarity of our worldwide peace movement.

The International Headquarters will mobilize the foundations of our peace movement around the world so as to provide intensive support for the establishment of a foundation for a heavenly unified Korea and the reunification of the two Koreas. The North and South Korea reunification movement based on a God-centered philosophy [“Godism”] and its values will expand to a global movement, awareness will be raised, consensus will be reached, and international cooperation will be promoted. In addition, we will connect national and local peace leaders who share this vision with Korea.

The seventh and last policy aims to nurture the younger generation and to develop a data bank of our talented people as part of a strategic system. Our team will collaborate closely with Sun Moon Universal Peace Academy and the Sunhak UPA Graduate University (schools that True Parents established to educate future generations of leaders), the Hyojeong Cultural Center Human Resource Department, and YSP throughout the world to cultivate providentially-oriented leaders with good character and moral aptitude suitable for the era of Cheon Il Guk’s firm settlement. We will create a database of our many talented young people. We will also establish policies regarding the dispatch of our youth missionaries according to their situations and abilities, identify and organize the larger nations that have a high possibility of achieving actual church growth and national restoration, and build a focused and discerning system that actively dispatches and supports youth missionaries in selected countries.

International Headquarters’ Five Operating Principles

Dear leaders of Heavenly Asia-Pacific,

On May 9 True Mother created a new paradigm through restructuring our organizations. To fully implement this paradigm, however, the International Headquarters will strive to establish a model organizational culture based on five principles rooted in five key concepts gleaned from True Mother’s speeches.

Among these principles are True Parents as the center, the development of our spirituality in order to receive spiritual cooperation, and the actual growth of the church.

1. Our Center: We live in the era of the True Mother. We will completely align with True Mother.

The first principle International Headquarters will focus on is our center. True Mother said, “It won’t work with your own thinking. You must know how to lead the world to peace while attending God.” (May 18) Mother then pleaded, “Do not make God wait any longer. Do not leave God’s only begotten daughter, the True Mother, in loneliness any longer.” (May 18) It is essential for us to completely align ourselves with, believe in, and attend True Mother, who has taken on herself the responsibility of fulfilling God’s Will all alone since True Father’s holy ascension.

2. Spirituality: Now is the time to receive cooperation from the spirit world! We must commit so that True Father can work with us.

The second principle International Headquarters will focus on is spirituality. As True Mother pointed out, “since we have to practically work without rest on earth, give orders to the spirit world.” (May 12) She also said, “As leaders who love your countries, the world, and peace, you must be able to hear God’s voice. You must act from a position of attending God.” (May 18). Now is the time of cooperation with the spirit world. Through Cheon Shim Won together with the mission field, we will lay a foundation of jeongseong so that True Father in Heaven can fully mobilize the spirit world and work freely on earth.

3. Relationships: We will ensure smooth communication and sharing.

Relationships will be the third principle of the International Headquarters. True Parents have said, “You must communicate. Communication had been a problem up until now, and this became a problem.” (May 12) While restructuring our organization, Mother several times emphasized the importance of communication. She then told me, “Song Yong-cheon, you must establish international standards. During your speaking tour throughout the world, please elevate each region to a higher level.” (May 12) She explained that this is the reason for my appointment as international president. International Headquarters will place a high priority on its relationships with the mission field. Communication will be extensive and we will focus on continuous sharing.

4. Practical Growth: How to make witnessing and national restoration substantial

The fourth principle that International Headquarters will focus on is substantial growth. True Parents said the following: “Until now, we have created many ‘environments’ throughout the world. It is now time to strengthen our internal foundation.” (May 9) True Mother also asked us to use science-based statistics and real numbers when reporting results. True Mother desires actual church growth and witnessing, not symbolic or abstract results.

5. Investing with All Sincerity: I will strive to guide members to become champions and take the lead on their own with sincere hearts.

The fifth principle the International Headquarters will focus on is investing with all sincerity. True Parents said: “We must show sincerity. You should be able to work and demonstrate how much you love this country and God so that all people can truly feel it.” (May 12) Mother also said, “you should be able to experience, feel, and act on your own initiative without True Parents teaching you at every stage. This is life in the kingdom of heaven on earth.” (May 9) The International Headquarters and public leaders worldwide will work with sincerity and provide active support for members to take ownership and willingly take part in activities.

Organizational Strength through Collective Intelligence

Beloved leaders,

The International Headquarters will meticulously pursue the seven policies during the remaining seven months, build stepping stones across which we can leap for eight months in 2024, and ensure we absolutely succeed so that, during the Cheon Won Gung Entrance Ceremony in 2025, we can finally offer God those results that we can take pride in for eternity. We will face a wide range of challenges, as well as some limitations, which we must overcome.

Nevertheless, the International Headquarters recognizes that the solution to all the problems that must be resolved in relation to the providence lies in organizational strength based on collective intelligence. Through honest communication and the sharing of ideas, we will maximize our abilities.

I believe the solution to all of the problems we need to resolve for the providence of national restoration by 2025 lies in organizational strength based on collective intelligence. There are three things that I believe are necessary to maximize the efficiency of this organization.

The first is sincere communication and sharing. Through communication based on service and harmony, we will promote and facilitate collective intelligence.

Second, our organization’s operations must be transparent in order to ensure honesty. Transparency in an organization’s operations is a key factor in ensuring the effectiveness and growth of that organization. A transparent decision-making and approval process will be established, one that transcends certain conventional practices caught by the laws of inertia.

The third aspect is objectivity and fairness. Living under Heavenly Parent’s direct dominion and uniting with True Parents does not automatically solve all problems. We must strive to give our best efforts, and only when we fulfill our portion of responsibility can history be made and miracles occur. I would like to appeal to all pastors and blessed families of FFWPU worldwide to equip themselves with the professional spirit of witnessing as of right now. Please strive to become experts in witnessing and achieve the best results in witnessing. Furthermore, evaluation of performance based on results should be conducted objectively and fairly.

Resolution by International Headquarters – Version 1

Leaders and members, there is hope for everyone.

If we all become one with the True Mother, Heavenly Parent’s only begotten Daughter,

If we become individuals whom our Heavenly Parent can directly instruct,

If, rather than relying on one charismatic leader, we work together with collective intelligence and effective organizational strength…!

If we work together and build, on our own, healthy churches overflowing with happy families and true love, just as the church did in its early days with the Holy Spirit and the Truth, and create an environment where we are respected, loved, and trusted by the local community and the people of that nation,

There is no doubt that we will see the miraculous realization of national restoration through the explosion of witnessing and the substantial growth of the church. Aju!

Respected leaders of Heavenly Asia-Pacific,

True Mother’s footsteps never falter as she walks the path of the providence. Why is this? True Mother knows that if she struggles, Heavenly Parent will struggle even more.

That’s why we must now make our determination!

There will be miracles if we, as FFWPU leaders and blessed families in all countries, actively and substantially attend Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

Please resolve to not become a burden on our True Mother, but to be her mature sons and daughters with life-or-death determination.

If we become completely one in heart and mind with Heavenly Parent and True Parents,

God will surely bless our efforts to reach our goals and strategies.

Beloved leaders and blessed families!

Let us not be disloyal or undutiful children who make our True Mother lonely again. Instead, let us be devoted children and loyal subjects of Cheon Il Guk that move forward in full force.

In closing, I would like to thank True Parents once again for making this gathering possible. I sincerely hope that this is an occasion when we can all feel deeply in our hearts a desperate desire to see True Mother triumphant.

I would like to conclude my strategy presentation on behalf of the International Headquarters.

Thank you for your attention.