Philippine Clergy Nation-Building Seminar “Together: Solving Youth and Family Problems”

October 6, 2023
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In an outreach to Christian leaders in the Philippines to work together with the pressing issues addressing the moral crisis destroying the lives of young people and families, an eventful gathering of religious leaders entitled 1-Day Philippine Clergy Nation-Building Seminar with the theme: “Together: Solving Youth and Family Problems” happened last October 5, 2023, at the UPF Peace Embassy, Quezon City, Manila, Philippines. The Pacific Christian Leadership Conference (PCLC) in collaboration with the Association of Christian Evangelists (ACE) has teamed up together to apply the unique insights of the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife of 52 years, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. This seminar gathered a total of 59 participants, including religious leaders, government officials, and civic leaders from various Christian churches and denominations.

The event commenced with vibrant opening praise songs coming from the group of Singing Bishops followed by the opening prayer and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. Archbp. Elias T. Soria, National Coordinator of PCLC – Philippines, gave his profound welcome to all guests present in the seminar and emphasized the importance of the gathering especially addressing the moral crisis issues of youth and family problems. Moreover, Supreme Bishop Rene Ballenas, President of the Association of Christian Evangelists (ACE) – International, gave his opening remarks through a video. He appreciated the efforts of PCLC in organizing this gathering initiative together with distinguished religious leaders and appreciated that ACE is contributing a big role to this cause.

The PCLC introductory video was showcased to everyone attending to understand the works and vision of PCLC as well as the activities they have conducted since its launching. Following that, Pres. Masaichi Hori, Chairman, PCLC – Asia Pacific and Rev. Fr. Egai De Jesus, Chaplain, Our Lady of Piat Shrine Camachile, Bulacan, Philippines, gave special messages.

President Masaichi Hori began his message by describing the Philippines as a blessed country by Heavenly Parent. Aside from the bounty of natural resources, the majority of the population are Christians, who loved Jesus Christ. The Philippines is the heart center of Christianity thus Filipinos should recognize the gravity of Christian providence strongly coming to the east and become more responsible Christians who are taking ownership to invest in the Philippines and its people.

Rev. Fr. Egai De Jesus shared that with the many situations happening around, many are losing sight of the topic about family. Recently, he attended the World Christian Leadership Conference event in America representing the Philippines and Asia Pacific. He was especially grateful to Mrs. Moon for highlighting and giving importance to the family. He emphasized the role of religious leaders in society is to help heal families instead of putting them in trouble.

The program proceeded to the education session with the presentations of Dr. Robert S. Kittel, Co-Chairman, PCLC Asia Pacific, highlighting the topics “Understanding the Heart and Nature of God” and “The Fall: Two Tragedies.”

The first presentation offered profound insights into the nature of God, an open door for a deeper relationship of love and heart with our Creator. An in-depth study of Genesis 2:24 amplifies the importance of family, the sacredness of marriage, and the sanctity of human sexuality which is vitally important for young people who are preparing for marriage, for religious leaders who are counseling youth, and for married couples. Dr. Kittel then emphasized that everyone should understand that God’s original ideal in the Garden of Eden was the marriage of Adam and Eve. The second presentation explored and examined biblical details on the causes of the fall of human ancestors and how these consequences are still impactful today. The topic highlights the necessity for fidelity in marriage and explains why the family is the school of love thus concluding with the strong notes that the only way to solve the moral crisis is for everyone to work together to create a family-friendly, God-centered culture.

Afterward, the third topic focusing on educational initiatives in the Philippines was featured. Two case studies were shared by Dr. Leo Angelo Halog, National President, FFWPU – Philippines and Rev. Ronnie Sodusta, Regional President, International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) – Asia Pacific, and a personal testimony was shared by Ms. Leong Sil Rose Panuelos, an Alumnus of Sun Hwa International Academy.

The first case study was focused on the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) also called Unification Church as PCLC is a project of FFWPU. Dr. Leo Angelo Halog elaborated on the activities and partnerships conducted by FFWPU in the Philippines for years and personally shared the powerful impact of the Unification Church teachings on building God-centered families transcending barriers of race, nationality, and religion.

Rev. Ronnie Sodusta showcased the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) and discussed the organization’s efforts to raise patriotic youth for nation-building. Highlights of the discussion were the initiative programs such as Pure Love Program, addressing teenage pregnancy; Regional Youth Forum (RYF), addressing the deceptive recruitment of youth into armed rebellion; and Hyojeong (Filial Heart) Character Education program, instilling the younger generation’s sense of love, respect, and gratitude towards family, community, and country.

Finally, personal testimony was given by Ms. Leong Sil Rose Panuelos, an Alumnus of Sun Hwa International Academy. She then spotlighted the SHIA school in Antipolo City, on its unique school policy where students will not be allowed to have boyfriends or girlfriends. For years, Sun Hwa International Academy has been renowned for becoming a model school with no teen pregnancies and no sexual diseases reported.

The next part of the program was the discussion and planning session led by Dr. Julius B. Malicdem. He emphasized the importance of each and everyone’s role, especially the religious leaders, in realizing the vision of PCLC toward young people and families. Stressing the idea of collaborations and conducting this type of seminar in other parts of the Philippines will be very commendable. Following that, a group discussion and presentation of outputs continued.

Moving on to the last session, the adoption of a statement on marriage and family was witnessed. The diverse group of religious leaders and members of PCLC took part in the signing of the statement. A call to action was heard from Bishop Joseph Lalo, the PCLC Senior Adviser and District Superintendent in Southern Luzon for ACE Philippines. Representing the entire delegation, he delightedly took the challenge to continue the works of PCLC along with other religious leaders. Religious leaders sing the song “Heal the Land” at the end of the program. In a world often divided by differences, this gathering demonstrated that when people of various faith traditions come together with a shared purpose, they can bring comfort and hope to a nation in need.

This seminar is a pilot program for participants from the NCR, Region III, IV A, and IV B. It will be followed by a series of programs to be conducted nationwide by region or clustered regions. PCLC and ACE believe that conducting this Clergy Seminar is a significant step toward fostering positive change in Filipino communities. The religious leaders who attended are now better equipped to address the pressing issues affecting youth and families, and they are committed to working together to create a brighter future for the Philippines.